30 HP Ford Engine,

400 Gallon Water Tank and a 65 Gallon Foam Tank,

Power Take Off Pump Drive

4 X 2½ inch Side Line Hoses

Pump Air Foam Induction System

1945 Monitor

These vehicles were also built on the same chasis as the WOT1 and were reinforced to carry CO2 as well as foam.

Tank Capacities:  300 Gallons of water & 100 Gallons of foam liquid

1944 Conversion

These vehicles were built on the same chassis as the WOT1  and had a hand operated ladder and monitor type branch pipe.

Tank Capacities:  300 Gallons of water & 100 Gallons of foam liquid

Gas Truck

Built on an Austin 6 x 4 Model K6 chassis, this truck had four banks of six 60lb CO2 cylinders. It came into service in 1945 and was the first crash tender to employ CO2 gas only as an extinguishing medium.  

Airfield Crash Rescue Vehicles

Early rescue vehicles were equipped with foam and CO2 hand held fire extinguishers, a short ladder and an assortment  of hand tools for breaking in and cutting airframes of crashed aircraft.


A gallery of crash/fire trucks from years gone by

Bedford Water Bowser

A 500 gallon water truck used to replenish foam vehicles.

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