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Below are links to previous editions of Flashpoint in PDF format.  Unfortunately a lot of the images have become corrupted but the magazines are readable and contain lots of valuable archive information about our trade.

Aug 2004 Dec 2004 Apr 2005 Aug 2005 Dec 2005 Apr 2006 Aug 2006 Jan 2007 May 2007 Sep 2007 Jan 2008 May 2008 Sep 2008 Jan 2009 Aug 2009 Dec 2009 Aug 11 May 12 Nov 12 Mar 13 Jul 13 Nov 13 Dec 14 Apr15 Nov 15 Nov 16 Mar 17

Flashpoint is the flagship publication of the RAF & Defence Fire Services Association.  A lot of work and expense goes into the production and distribution of the magazine and it is always well received by members.  However, in order to keep it going, our editor relies on contributions from the readers like you to fill the pages every three months. You are therefore urged to put pen to paper, dig out your old photographs, and send your stories and pictures to the magazine editor Reg Metcalf. Reg’s contact details are as follows:

Reg Metcalfe

10 Greystoke Close

CA11 9EF

Tel: M:  07548 873159  H: 01768  630339

Email: advisorp@btinternet.com

Nov 17 May 18 Sep 18 Nov 18 May 19 Oct 19 May 20 Sep 20 Dec 20 Apr 21 Sep 21 Dec 21 Apr 22 Sep 22

In order to read the latest editions of Flashpoint please make sure your Association membership is up to date, and a hard copy will be delivered to you by Royal Mail as and when it becomes available.  Alternatively, if you are happy to read an electronic version and want to save the association the cost of printing, postage and packing, please let us know and we will email you your magazine ahead of the hard copy being posted.

Mar 23 Jul 23 Decl 23