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The RAF & Defence Fire Service has a book of remembrance where the names of our fallen comrades are recorded.  The poem below was produced by Steve Harrison and is a combination of his own work, some lines from Mick Goupillot and a prayer from  Satish Kumar, who was a Jain monk.

Death notices received from December 2024 onwards are posted below.  

For previous listings please click the appropriate link above

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16 December 2024

From:  Steve Harrison

Mem No 475 Peter Holland

Fred Bickham (523) has just informed me that, Peter (Dutchy) Holland  member 575 passed away yesterday. Fred kept in contact with him over the telephone and was informed of his passing by Peters daughter.

Although he never came to the re-unions he was a great supporter of the Association and the museum and also was  a regular contributor to the Flashpoint. I had many telephone conversations with him, a really lovely guy.

RIP Peter

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16 December 2024

From:  Mark Gambles

Steve Lines

Sorry to announce the following news, but I received a call from retired fire officer Colin Cross today to confirm that he’s been contacted by Steve Lines’ family to confirm that Steve had passed away this weekend following a long illness.

Steve was well known for his work at MOD CTE Manston and also started his career on my basic course.  Steve had previously confirmed that he only wanted a private cremation, and that his ashes will be spread in the Isle of Wight.

Huge condolences to his family and close friends at this difficult time .  

RIP Steve.

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22 December 2024

From:  Steve Bowden

Ian Jebbett

Sorry to bear some bad news to you all, Ian Jebbett (Jebbs) (Jebbo) passed away recently.  He has elected to have a very private funeral, however, his sister Angela has informed me there will be a celebration memorial at a date to be confirmed.  Ian had served at RAF Wyton, Rudloe Manor, Honington, Wittering & MPA to name a few.  Condolences collectively have been passed onto Ian's family and our thoughts are with them at this sad time.

I will post further details on the site when I have them.

RIP Jebb

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7 January 2025

From: Craig Meeson

Mem No 1035 Kevin Meeson

So today we lost my dad Kevin (Smiler) Meeson, and I know my dads best time ever was in the RAF. Over the years, what he has taught me is be honest, be true to yourself, and to show respect; and that backbone came from the RAF. He told me that too.

God bless you all


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8 January 2025

From: Paul Doxsey

Tony Maggs

It is with sadness that I inform you that my uncle, Anthony “Tony” Maggs, passed away on New Year's Day. He had suffered with ill health in later years resulting in a move from Kent to South Wales to be amongst family. Tony served at several locations with a great group of colleagues all fondly remembered by Tony, during chats about his RAF life. Postings included Akrotiri, Henlow, Swinderby, Benson, Oman, Afghanistan, and Norfolk amongst others. He leaves wife Elaine amongst family who fondly and vividly regales us with tales of their RAF life.

From Steve Shirley: Although not a member of RAF&DFSA, Tony was a very respected member of the trade. He was my first Sgt at Odiham and taught me everything I know.

RIP Tony.

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