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A page for information which maybe of interest to members and firefighters.   If anyone has anything they would like to share with the readership, please email your input to webmaster@rafanddfsa.co.uk

RAF/AFDFS Firefighter Models

Our very own Flashpoint Editor has commenced production of  120mm Scale models of airfield firefighters from late 1970’s/1980’s era which are now going on sale.  Each figure is hand sculpted, hand cast and hand painted by Reg and then mounted on a solid oak base provided by Don Pape.  The models can be personalised with the buyer’s choice of name displayed on the back of the helmet and there is space on the plinth for a brass plaque to be stuck.  Reg has also made a special edition 200mm scale bust to go with the launch of his new venture.

The cost of the models is:

Figure:   £80.00 incl P&P

Bust:      £85.00 incl P&P

  Please look at the pictures below and if you are interested in acquiring one of these beautifully crafted items you can contact Reg as follows:

Naddlegate West,
Nr Penrith,
CA10 2RW

Tel: M:  07548 873159  H: 01768  630339

Email: advisorp@btinternet.com

120mm Scale Firefighter Figure

200mm Scale Firefighter Bust


This has always been a problem but more recently the input being received for our Flagship magazine has dried up to almost nothing.  This is therefore an urgent appeal for anyone who has anecdotes, memories, photographs, or anything that would be of interest to our readership to get in touch and share what ever you have.  Contact details are on the Flashpoint Page along with over 40 back issues of the of the publication in pdf format.

Please please please make the effort and get in touch!!


I would like to inform all that the cost of postage is to rise again this year on the 4th April.


2nd  class letters from 68p to 75p an increase of 7p per letter.

!st  class letters from 95p to £1.10 an increase of 15p per letter.

Large 2nd class from £1.05 to £1.15 an increase of 10p. This stamp is used for posting Flashpoint and will cost the Association an extra £50. per posting run.

This will make the cost of posting Flashpoint in the region of £575 per issue.

 I have already purchased for the Association a year's supply of stamps, including small 2nd class stamps,  thus saving around almost £200.

If you would like to save the Association the cost of printing, packaging and posting your Flashpoint you can opt to receive your magazine electronically.  Please email webmaster@rafanddfsa.co.uk should you wish to do that.


The long awaited RAF Fire Service Memorial has now been complete and a dedication service was held at the National Arboretum on the 22nd of June 2024.  Thanks go to everyone involved in the planning and implementation of this project and to everyone who has made a contribution to the final £30,000 cost of the building work.  Click here to watch a video of the service which was blessed with a glorious sunny day and an excellent turnout of old comrades as well as serving aviators from the training school.

30 January 2025

Position of Membership Secretary

Our long serving Membership Secretary, Brian Jones, is due to stand down shortly so we are looking for a willing volunteer to take over that important role.

Please get in touch if you are interested.

Contact details here