A page to view pics of people and places you may or may not remember, so please dig out your old photos, scan them and send to





A - B






Crash Bays with Mk5A Mk6 & DP1

From David Edgerton


Rear: Cpl Brian "Badger" Spooner, Sgt Dave "Skippy" Traynor, SAC Simon "Chalky" Lee - Front: SAC Pete "Ferret" Woodley, SAC Gary "Gloucester" Perrins

From Simon Lee



Chalkie Lee, Flt Lt Whitehead, Geoff Webb, Fez Foster, Citizen, Dave Traynor, Mike Stone, Ferret, Cos Costello, Nick Broom.

From Mike Stone


Crash One

From Steve Greenaway  

Fire Section

From Q Eaton 



Barry Watson, Michael Collier, Gary Humphries, Mick Newby, Davey Smith, Billy Ovington, Iain Norris, Dave Traynor, Terry Dawer & Mark Sissons

From Mick Newby






Web Link:



Back to top




Crash Line 1956

From Geoff Varley


From Geoff Varley

AOCs circa 1972

From Ronald Newsome

A rare one

From Ronald Newsome


From Ron Newsome

Outside MQ 1972

From Ron Newsome

Ron Newsome being "misemployed" :)

From Ron Newsome

Web Link



Back to top





Ditched Argosy at MCU

From Jim Johnson

Ditched Argosy at MCU

From Jim Johnson


From Jim Johnson


From Jim Johnson

Ditched Argosy with Mt Sham Sam in background

From Jim Johnson

Sultan of Socotra with slaves

From Jim Johnson

Thumier HQ Radfan

From Jim Johnson

Twin Pioneer at Radfan

From Jim Johnson

View towards Maalla Straight

From Jim Johnson

Falaise Fire Station

From Sydney Coates

Falaise Fire Station

From Sydney Coates

Falaise Fire Station

From Sydney Coates

Falaise Fire Station

From Sydney Coates



Beverly v Land Mine Incident, somewhere "up-country",  circa 1967

 from Graham Abbott





K-9 ACRT on standby for Beverly landing

From Ted Angus


K-9 ACRT  at Radfan forward operating base

From Ted Angus





Aden MCU

From John Irwin

Desert DP's

From John Irwin

Khormahsar 1967

From John Irwin

Khormaksar Fire Section

From John Irwin

Khormaksar Mk5A's

From John Irwin

Khormaksar Tower and Fire Section

From John Irwin

Fire Section Piss-up in Khormaksar Police Club

Fire Section Piss-up in Khormaksar Police Club

John Irwin's Pit

Hilton or Holiday Inn?

Fire Section Piss-up in Khormaksar Police Club

Fire Section Piss-up in Khormaksar Police Club

From John Irwin

Aden Airways Viscount, blown up by terrorists while parked up on the pan (empty) 1967

From John Irwin

Aden Airways Viscount, blown up by terrorists while parked up on the pan (empty) 1967

From John Irwin

Aden Airways Viscount, blown up by terrorists while parked up on the pan (empty) 1967

From John Irwin

Aden Airways Viscount, blown up by terrorists while parked up on the pan (empty) 1967

From John Irwin

Aden Airways Viscount, blown up by terrorists while parked up on the pan (empty) 1967

From John Irwin

Aden Airways Viscount, blown up by terrorists while parked up on the pan (empty) 1967

From John Irwin


RAF Britania "Sirious" 638, overshot the runway into the mud at Khormaksar mid 1967, some parts removed, the rest scrapped and left, (no one hurt),

From John Irwin.


RAF Britania "Sirious" 638, overshot the runway into the mud at Khormaksar mid 1967, some parts removed, the rest scrapped and left, (no one hurt),

From John Irwin.


RAF Britania "Sirious" 638, overshot the runway into the mud at Khormaksar mid 1967, some parts removed, the rest scrapped and left, (no one hurt),

From John Irwin.

B26 Crash

From Jim Johnson

Captured Ilyushin

From Jim Johnson

Mk 6

From Jim Johnson

Hunter Crash

From Jim Johnson

Hunter Crash

From Jim Johnson

Hunter Crash

From Jim Johnson

Early 60s

Len Cowden 4th right

Mk5a & DP1

From Tug Wilson

Hot Fire 1962

From Joe Birt

Fire Section 1965 - 67

From Sydney Coates


From Sidney Coates



John Irwin with new Mk7 1967

From John Irwin


Gas Truck & Crew circa 1956

From Marjory Prow

Hunter incident circa 1965

From Matthew Browning 


Water-Colour 1964


Mk 5 & Crew 1953

From Donald Lee




Web Site:


YouTube Links:





From Jim Johnson


From Jim Johnson

Crash Bays

From Jim Johnson

CSE Artiste on DP

From Jim Johnson

DC 3 Landing

From Jim Johnson

DC 3s

From Jim Johnson

HBL Troops

From Jim Johnson


From Jim Johnson

Jim with Askari

From Jim Johnson

John & Jim

From Jim Johnson

MPs visit

From Jim Johnson

My Home

From Jim Johnson

Mukalla Road

From Jim Johnson

Sands Club

From Jim Johnson


From Jim Johnson

Shackleton Beat-up

From Jim Johnson


From Jim Johnson



DP2 outside barrack block 1965

From Mike Mulhern




Web Link:


Steamer Point:

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Ron Newsome

From Jim Johnson

Ron Newsome

From Brian Pickering


L - R: - Corporal Sutton, John Ferguson, Ron Anderson, Mick Traynor

From John Ferguson

Roof party at El-baz buildings Maala

From John Ferguson

Cowboy night at Steamer Point Fire Station

L - R: - John Ferguson, Taffy Wells, Mick Traynor

From John Ferguson

Cowboy night at Steamer Point Fire Station

From John Ferguson

Night out at 'The Exclusive Club', Steamer Point

From John Ferguson

Roddy Corbett, Derek Moscrop and Bob Gow



Roddy Corbett, Derek Moscrop and Geordie Johnston




Roddy Corbett, Pop, Nagi and Bob Gow





RAF Steamer Point Facebook Group


See John Beard's excellent Aden slide show on YouTube



Web Link:


Back to top


Memories of Aden from Terry Sedgwick





From Jim Johnson

Childrens Xmas Toy Program 1977

L to R

Sgt Major Willi Quast RNAF, George Harley, Mal Ray, Jimmy Johnson, Tony Doan

LS&GC Presentation

Dave Jenner far right

From Dave Jenner

Back to top





Camp Bastion:

David Beckham visit 2010

From Steve Bowden via Brum Yates

MFV & Herc 2006

From Terry Monaghan

Fire Section 2006

From Terry Monaghan

Chinook & MVF 2006

From Terry Monaghan


From Terry Monaghan


From Terry Monaghan

Camp Bastion 2012

Photo from RAF News

SA80 Pose

From Dave Tolley

Herc Pose

From Dave Tolley



Volvo Saxon on standby

From Adam Griffiths





From Simon Marsh





Thanks for Camp Leatherneck Fire Response


YouTube links:

Xmas song 2011




Red Watch Kandahar November 12 how many X RAF and DFRMO can you spot ?

From Mark Sillett




Back to top



Aird Uig



Dave Woodward at Aird Uig 1961



Dave Woodward with Bedford Domestic at Aird Uig 1961



Back to top





Scouse Warrener, Alister Bruce, Dave Sharp, Tam McCrorie, Taff Lee, Danny Connelly, Bill Hutchinson, Jim Dunbar, Innis Farquhar, Jim Patterson, Norman McCaig & Joe Morris-Roe.

Dave Sharp. Geordie Hall, Tam McCrorie, Walter Curran, John Baker & Bill Murray at Pauls Bar Antrim 1963

Lads Night Out

Crash 1, DP1 & Gas Truck

Autin Domestic with Coventry Climax

Ron Newsome,Walter Curran,Tom Mccrorie, Taff Lee,Taff Davies,Bob Lunn,Cyril Meryman,John McKight,Tam Dalziel,Hughie Kerr, Alistair Bruce

unknown Jock Brown Mal Byrom Stan Knight & John Wright

Mal Byrom & George Sharp


Ron Harrison, Taff Lee,Tom Richmond, Lofty Hansford & Tony Bidmede


Sammy Bates, Dave Pearson & Tam McCrorie

Mk 6

Ron Newsomwe, Joe Sheffield, Ken Judd, Geordie Whitfield, Geordie Hall & Sgt Tim Callaghan

Early '60s

Back: Dusty Miller & Jim Bryson

Front: Cyril Merryman & Malcolm Byrom

RAF Aldergrove

Back: Tom McCrorie, Taff Lee, Taff Davies, Cyril Merriman & Alister Bruce

Front: Walter Curran, John McKnight, Tom Dalziel, Hugh Kerr & Bob Lunn

Pauls Bar, Antrim circa 1962

Alister Bruce, Walter Lee, John McKnight, Eddy Wiles & Henry Hall

The boys with the black stuff!!

Walter Lee, John McKnight, Geordie Hall & Tom McCrorie Circa 1962


Dave Whitney, Jimmy Campbell. Geordie Whitfield, Ginge Elder & Bill Grundy


Dave Whitny & Ron Harrison

Andy Thorne & Len Cowden looking in engine

Mk 6 Foam Test 1963

Tam McCrorie & Walter Lee

59 - 63

Dusty Miller & Bill Bennett

Guitar Drill

Ted Klemp outside billet

Butty Break

George Sharp & Mal Byrom

Top Section Crash Bays

From Tam McCrorie

Circa 1961

Jock Neilson,Walter Curran,Alistair Bruce & Walter(taff) Lee

From Tam McCrorie

Circa 1961

Walter Curran, Bill Bennett & W O Jack Boyd

From Tam McCrorie

Tam McCrorie


Bogged down Mk6

From Tam McCrorie

Hastings Crash

From Tam McCrorie

Malcolm (Sooty) Byrom

From Tam McCrorie

Ron Ginge & Jock

From Tam McCrorie

Tam & Crash 1

From Tam McCrorie


From Bob Ewing

Mk8 & Midi Bedford

From Guy Bowes


Midi Bedford

From Q Eaton 



Web Site


Back to top



Ascension Island:

Airfield Watch 1984

From Mal Ray

Gozome Happy

Mal Ray 1984

Fire Section 1984

TACR2 + PanAm Trucks

From Mal Ray

? , Stew Bell, Tony ? , Rob Mercer

From Stew Bell

TACR with PanAm Trucks

From Stew Bell

Luxury Accomodation 1983

From Stew Bell


Gordon Smith with "taxi"


L-R Cpl John Fulton, Cpl Gordon Smith, Sac Alex Wiggan, ?, Sac Lorn Brand, ?, Sgt Martin TAFF Harris

From Al Cartlege

From Al Cartlege

From Al Cartlege


From Ian Maughan


From Ian Maughan


From Ian Maughan


From Neil Byrne

TACR 2 & Crew

From Neil Byrne


Paul Theobald & TACR 2 on the ramp

Mk11A Production Test

From Paul Theobald

Last Fire Crew at ASI

From Stu Horton

RIV & Crew

From Stu Leece



From Robert Jarvis


From Robert Jarvis



From Robert Jarvis



From Robert Jarvis



From Robert Jarvis



From Ray Garrett

Night shift ready to hit the disco

From Paul Banham


Standing L-R: Ted Hazel, Paddy Campbell, Paul Durey, Mark Gerrity, Simon Rolf, Gordon Ball, Brian Spooner, Jerry O'Rielly
Seated L-R: Tim Alderman, Derek Fisher, Dennis Taylor, Duncan Loseley, Phil Baker

From Del Fisher


Duty Crew with TACR2 & Mk11

From Paul Banham



From Ray Garrett



From Ray Garrett



From Ray Garrett


Hot Fire 1985

From Nigel Burgess


From Ray Garrett



From Ray Garrett



From Paul Theobald

Hot Fire 1987

From Guy Bowes


From Paul Theobald


Hot Fire 1987

From Guy Bowes



From Paul Theobald

TACR2 out and about

From Paul Theobald

That good old TACR pose in front of a C130

From Paul Theobald 



... and another good old TACR pose

From Guy Bowes


TACR2 out and about

From Paul Theobald


PanAm Fire Station

From Paul Theobald

Duty Crew posing

From Paul Theobald



From Q Eaton

Duty Crew posing

From Paul Theobald


PanAm Fire Station

From Paul Theobald



Web Site

Back to top




Edinburgh Field:



From Taff Evans

Davey Air Collecting Station Commander's Cup from Australian CO


From Taff Evans




Point Cook:


Kevin Mason presenting top student award 1986 


 RAAF Basic Fire Course 1986

From Kevin Mason




Back to top






Bedford Domestic 1969

From Brian Edward Jones



Bedford Domestic 1970

From Rodney Webb


Bondu 1970

From Rodney Webb







Back to top


(Former Yugoslavia)


Hard at work

From Dave Gibb


Happy Days

From Ian Orgill


Split 97

Malcolm Barrett, David Hails, Alex Wiggin, Richie Dowen, Tim Feast and Bob Lovett

From Dave Gibb


Good old TACR pose on the beach


From Dave Gibb


That TACR pose again!

From Rob Townshend



Bosnia, Gornji Vakuf, 1997

From Yan Fiske


From Geoff Stock



Pristina 1999

From Stephen Findlay



Pristina 1999

From Stephen Findlay


Kosovo 1999, DFS(A) crews, with the Finish crews. Derek Freeman stood in for a month after Roger Taylor returned to the UK. He was replaced by Ken Pike.

From Yan Fiske


Pristina, Kosovo 2000  

Pristina, Kosovo 2000

From Richard Whiting 

DFRS Sipovo

 Bosnia 1999

From Chris Birch


DFRS Sipovo

 Bosnia 1999

From Chris Birch


DFRS Sipovo

 Bosnia 1999

From Chris Birch


DFRS Sipovo

 Bosnia 1999

From Chris Birch


DFRS Sipovo

 Bosnia 1999

From Chris Birch


Back to top





Xmas 1964

Bill Shaw, Sammy Flemming & John McGonagall

From Tam McCrorie


Davy Eliot, Joe Proctor, Stan Knight, Jimmy Braithwaite, Mick Logan, Jock Hanson, Harry Steel & Len Cowdon

Crash Bays Xmas 1964

Len Cowden, Walter Curran & Tam McCrorie

Xmas 1964

Walter, Tam & Cyrill Merriman

From Tam McCrorie

Early 60's

Jimmy Braithwaite & Stan Knight

Early 60's

Davy Elliot, Joe Proctor, Stan Knight, Harry Steel & Len Cowden


Jimmy Braithwaite, Mick Logan and Davy Hamilton

Fire Section

From Allan Challis


Back to top



Barkston Heath:

Crash Bay

From Al Cartlege

AOC's Inspection 1965

AOC with Cpl Terry Horn and SAC T Broughy


From Terry Horn

Windy Day in 1965

Terry Horn



Mountain 1986

From George Grimes




Back to top





Fred Riley & Les Herbert

From Les Herbert


Paul Fleet & Les Herbert

From Les Herbert


Mick Geen,Alistair Davidson, Jim Badenoch, Geordie & Les Herbert. Stags Head 1967

From Les Herbert


Cocker Evans,Les Herbert & Dave Crooks 1968

From Les Herbert


Practice Crash

From Les Herbert


Frank Moult,Les Herbert,Alistair Davidson,Paddy Faye & Mick Green

From Les Herbert

Town Hall Royston 1969

Tony Ronford,Dave Crooks,Bert Singer, Les Herbert & Mick Green

From Les Herbert

Fire Section on Parade 1954ish

From David Wiles

Early ACRT

From David Wiles

Crash Tender

From David Wiles



Canberra Crash 1967

From Les Herbert

Canberra Crash 1967

From Les Herbert


Canberra Crash 1967

From Les Herbert


Wartime Crash Line

From Paul Bass



Tower Museum Bassingbourn


Web Site:

Back to top





Bedford 850 Mountain

From Dave Stenhouse


From Dave Stenhouse


From Dave Stenhouse


From Dave Stenhouse

On Parade 1989

From Ron Fillis

Fire Station 1989

From Ron Fillis


DPII on tree lopping duties 1979

From Wayne Gilmore


From Wayne Gilmore

DPII on the ramp

From Wayne Gilmore


DPII on loan from West Raynham

From Wayne Gilmore

Mini-Bedford on loan from Cottesmore 1980

From Wayne Gilmore


Ray Hill, Mick Pearce and Sam Newhouse 1980

From Ray Hill





Web Site

Back to top




Fire Section & Bar 1983

From Stew Bell

Crash Line

Trailer Pump, DP2s & Mk7

From Stew Bell


From Stew Bell

Hard at work April 1983

? , Stew Bell, Dave Woodcock

From Stew Bell


Back row L-R ?, ?, Mick Taylor?, FFO Dave Fitzmorris, Flt Cmd, Ian Lister, John Fulton, Andy Pittock, Sam Packer

Front row L-R John Lenton, Alex Wiggam, Stuart Dean, Gordon Smith, Paul Ellwood

TAC-T after refurb

From Paul Theobald

Tac-T with Trailer Pump

From Paul Theobald

Crash Line

From Paul Theobald


From Paul Theobald


From Paul Theobald

From Dave Keogh

From Dave Keogh

From Dave Keogh

From Dave Keogh

From Dave Keogh

Dave Keogh

From Dave Keogh

First Harrier Crash 1981

From Dave Lukock

Foxey Golf

From Sean O'Hara


Sunshine tour 1991

From Simon Lyon


Out on the Pan 1982

From Matthew Browning


The Lads 1982

From Matthew Browning


A little light refreshment 1982

From Matthew Browning


Mk9s 1993

From Mick Davison


TacT 1983

From Paul Theobald


TacT 1983

From Paul Theobald


TacT 1983

From Paul Theobald



Paul Harding & Dick Highfield

From Richard Lawrence


From Richard Lawrence


Martin Turner, Richard Lawrence, Ray Greening, Andy Naylor, John Hanson & Doug Ward outside Basher

From Richard Lawrence


Belize Airport Fire Service

From Richard Lawrence



From Richard Lawrence



From Richard Lawrence


Richard Lawrence armed and dangerous

From Richard Lawrence



Belize International Airport

From Richard Lawrence



San Pedro Main Street

From Richard Lawrence


Taff Farley on San Pedro Beach

From Richard Lawrence


San Pedro Beach

From Richard Lawrence



Richard Lawrence in des res

From Richard Lawrence


Taff Farley, John Hanson, Paul Brown & Martin Turner hard at work

From Richard Lawrence


DP2 returning to base

From Richard Lawrence


Foxy Golf

From Richard Lawrence


DP2 Pump Locker

From Richard Lawrence


Paul Brown

From Richard Lawrence


Andy Naylor on R & R in Cancun

From Richard Lawrence


Andy Naylor wearing Yorkshire sunglasses

From Richard Lawrence


Doug Ward, John Hanson, Dave Simpson & Dick Highfield

From Richard Lawrence


Taff Farley off to see Mayan ruins

From Richard Lawrence


JBs Cafe up-country

From Richard Lawrence


Home sweet home

From Richard Lawrence


Andy Naylor, Dick Highfield, Ray Greening & Martin Doe at Blue Hole

From Richard Lawrence


Andy Naylor, Dick Highfield, Ray Greening & Martin Doe at Blue Hole

From Richard Lawrence


Richard Lawrence resting on hookers table

From Richard Lawrence


Richard Lawrence and Andy Naylor on DI Run

From Richard Lawrence


Taf Farley & Martin Turner at Mayan ruins

From Richard Lawrence


Mayan Temple

From Richard Lawrence


Andy Naylor & Martin Doe

From Richard Lawrence


Duke of Edinburgh visit 1988


Mike Dunbar

Duke of Edinburgh visit 1988


Mike Dunbar


Duke of Edinburgh visit 1988


Mike Dunbar




Back to top




Fire Section 1985

From Ron Fillis

AOCs 1996

From Ron Fillis




From Clive Rees



The Benson Beatles

 L-R:-  Roly Kemp, Phil Cowley, Roger Oke, Chris Blanche and finally Tim Thorpe.

From Howie Marson



From Iain Rowland

TACR Pose Drill 1997

From Darren John Argyle


Good ol' days

From Brian Gallagher


Duty Crew 1997

From Darren John Argyle

Fire Section with Andover

From Iain Wright

Reunion 2009

From Philip Cowley


Crash Line 2009

From Philip Cowley


Fire Section

From Q Eaton

Simulator 1997

From Darren John Argyle



Gavin Selwood ,Paul Brown & Shaun ?

From Gavin Selwood



From Paul Theobald


From Paul Theobald



From Paul Theobald



From Paul Theobald



From Paul Theobald




Web Site



Back to top





RAF Gatow:


From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

From Alfred Schroder

Web Site

Back to top





Crash Line
From Jim Johnson


Dave Wood
From Jim Johnson



Fire Section
From Adam Griffiths


New Fire Station 1990s

From Simon Gunning



Web Link


Back to top



Biggin Hill:


Air Show crews circa 1970

Ben Zaccardelli, Tom Price and Paddy Collins from Church Fenton

From Bennie Zaccardelli



Web Site


Back to top





Fire Section 1960's

From Dave Keogh



From Fred Jiggins


Mk 8

From Fred Jiggins


Mk 9

From Fred Jiggins


Mk 10

From Fred Jiggins


Circa 81 or 82.
L to R, Tom DeCarteret, John Fallows, Phil Walmsley, Emma Dale, Dave Wooley, Richard Lawrence, Fred Jiggins

From Richard Lawrence


FF Dale on roof, Jan 82

From Richard Lawrence


From Paul Theobald


Changing room, training room, extinguisher room. Jan 82

From Richard Lawrence

Circa 81 or 82.
L to R.  Emma Dale, Fred Jiggins, Mark McNichol, Richard Lawrence, Dave Wooley, Phil Walmsley, John Fallows

From Richard Lawrence

Fred Jiggins on bonnet of Crash 1

From Richard Lawrence


Tom De Carteret and  Royce "Kojak" Lorenz snow clearing,  Jan 82

From Richard Lawrence

Crash Crew 1980

Top is Jeff Gardner. (Manuel) left & Gary 'Brummy' Taylor. Middle is Phil 'ponger' Kelsall, Mad Gerry Eden & Ken Davis. Front row left to right is Ray ' crowbar ' Large, Arthur Grimbleby, myself & Taff Jones
(married to Vi) 

From Geoff Hancocks


SAC Dale, Cpl Fallows, SAC Jiggins, SAC De Carteret. Jan 82

From Richard Lawrence

Snowy Crash Bays 1982

From Richard Lawrence

Tom De Carteret and Andy Trafford Jan 82



From Bob Evans



From Bob Evans 

Richard Lawrence and Andy Trafford 1983

From Richard Lawrence





Web site

Back to top



Bishops Court:


AOC's 6 July 1988

From Archie Carter

AOC's 6 July 1988

From Archie Carter

AOC's 6 July 1988

From Archie Carter

AOC's 6 July 1988

From Archie Carter


From Peter Ashpool

TACR1 & Mk8

From Ray Hill via Wayne Gilmore



TACR1 with trailer

From Wayne Gilmore


Closing Down 1990

From Guy Bowes

TACR1 with trailer pump

From Wayne Gilmore






Back to top





Old Fire Section

From Q Eaton


Volvo Saxon

From Ken Reid



Web Site:




Back to top





Crash Line

From Maurice Broadbent


Bovington Barrack Block 1959

Rear L to R:- ? Ron Brown (in suit) ?

Front L to R:- Terry Giblin ? ?

From Ron Brown


Luxury accommodation

Left to Right: - Ron Brown, ?, ?, Brummie Hall.

From Ron Brown


Dave Woodward driving O 10

Dave Woodward from top of Mk5


Dave Woodward, Geordie Barr and Bert Hard

Geordie Barr


Geordie Barr & DP

Sgt Pitts USAF





Back to top




Fire Section 1983

From Ady Tearle

AOC's Mid '70s

Sgt B Trace. Cpl D Jowett. Cpl R Wood. Sac D Gore and Sac M Simms.

From Garry Hatchell

Hunter Incident

TACR1 crew SAC G Hatchell & Cpl A Thomas Mk 8 crew SAC K Foster and A N Other

From Gary Hatchell

Collision on Dispersal

From Gary Hatchell


From Gary Hatchell

Lift-out Demo for RNLI

From Gary Hatchell

Lift-out Demo for RNLI

From Gary Hatchell

Practice on JP

From Gary Hatchell

Practice on JP

From Gary Hatchell

Sac D Gore, Sac B Locke & Sac G Hatchell

From Gary Hatchell

Dave Gore with ACRT

From Gary Hatchell

Fire Section Domestic Site

From Gary Hatchell

Gary with new TACR 1

From Gary Hatchell

Hunter T7

From Gary Hatchell

Bedford Angus outside Domestic Fire Station

From Gary Hatchell


Roy Appleby demonstrating the TACR Pose

From Andrew Craig


Brawdy 1993

Mark Jonson, Eddie Calvert, Windy Miller, Karl Crocker, Rob Thomas, Ray Elliott, Neil Morrell, Lee Hudson

From Lee Hudson



Hunter incident 1970s

From Andrew Craig



Fire Section

From Q Eaton



Extended Fire Section

From Q Eaton 






Back to top





Fire Section 1950

From Brum Yates


Fire Section 1950

From Brum Yates



Hut 178 in 1958

From William Pitt


Nov 1961 Hut 313 10 Flight

Back row Roy, Dave, Monty, Front row Gus McGregor, Tom McCrorie

From Tom McCrorie



Web Site:


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Brize Norton:


Wolfie Smith, Stevie Clent, Taff Elliot, Steve Evans, Stew Bell

From Stew Bell


Stew Bell, Chris Bussey, Pete Daniels, Mal Cox, Roy Bastible

From Stew Bell

Inspection by Air Chief Marshal Crowley Milling 1973

From George Edwards

Brize Norton circa 1993 Royal Visit

Pre H.M the Queen arrival

Brize Norton circa 1993 Royal Visit

L-R Flt Cmd, Cpl Gordon Smith, Sac Paul ?, Geordie ?

Meeting the Queen


Back Row SAC Gary Oconner, LAC Jock Millar,LAC ?,CPL Keith Spencer

Middle Row CPL Gerry Kelly,CPL Paul Fleet,SAC Joe Birt

Front Row SAC Terry Clent,SAC Paul Rutherford,SAC Ronnie McGregor

From Wayne Davies

Fire Section on Parade 1973

From George Edwards

1995 SNCO's Seminar

From Brum Yates


From Trevor Waugh


From Trevor Waugh

Crash Line 1986

From Trevor Waugh


From Jamie MacKay

Mk11 & Mk11A 1988

From Peter Mitrovich


Polished Mk9 with crew

From Rodney Webb

D Crew late 80s

Back L-R, Bob Colclough, Dave Webber, Dave McGreavy, Michael Goldstone, Dave Skin Grey, Nelly Morrell, Terry Millership,

Front L-R Pete Toulson, Mark Charlie Farley, Mick Ryan, Gary Welbeloved

From Alistair Forrest



B Crew 1982

From George Sillence

Standing 1st right F/Sgt Jim Patterson, 2nd right Mark Swift, 3rd right Steve Butonshaw — with Andrew Jenkin, Ian Large, Andy Falp, Al Lindsay,Jerry Packer, Kieth Lammin, Robert Owen, Pete Skinner - aka Clansfolk, Steve O'leary, Paul Welsh and Derek Fisher

From Del Fisher

Fire Station

From Adam Griffiths 


From Steve Greenaway 


From Steve Greenaway



From Steve Greenaway



From Steve Greenaway



From Steve Greenaway



Old Fire Section

From Q Eaton


Mk11 Era

From Q Eaton

New Fire Section

From Q Eaton 


Ian Colville 2023





Steve Carlson's Reunion & Reminiscences


Web Site

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From Q Eaton


Fire Section Mid 60s with WO Atherton

From Gordon Went (pictured kneeling 2nd left)

Ziggies Bar

Tam McCrorie, Derek Stewart & Tam Chapman

On the See

Keith Knight & Tam McCrorie

Fire Competition 1971

From Gordon Went

Barbeque Time 1980

From John Lam


AOC's 1981

Left to Right Cpl Geordie Forster Flt Cdr WO Frank Piggot AOC Sgt Brum Yates

Crash Line


Frank Piggott's retirement do

Brum & Ann Yates, Rhoda & Billy Walsh

From Brum Yates



From Gordon Went



Standing up: Steve “Citizen” Smith and Dixie Dean,

Seated: Graham Lamb, Andy Emens, Colin Whitely, ?, Dave Hogarth, Mark Garthwaite, Joe Rips and Gordon Went

From Mark Garthwaite



From Dave Roach


Early 90s

From Scott Hudson 



From Gordon Went

Station Endex

From Gordon Went


Post-RAF days

From Dave Palmer 




Web Site



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Circa 1992

DP 2 in a sad state, abandoned waiting for the scrap man

From Brummie


Web Link:


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Fire Section

Barry Trueman & Geordie Hall 1959

From Barrie Trueman

Soda Acid Pose

Barry Trueman & Geordie Hall 1959

From Barrie Trueman



Bedford Water Bowser

Barry Trueman & Geordie Hall 1959

From Barrie Trueman


Duty Crew

Barry Trueman & Geordie Hall 1959

From Barrie Trueman




From Q Eaton

Bedford 400 Mountain

From Dave Stenhouse

Business end of Bedford 400 Mountain

From Dave Stenhouse

Bedford Carmichael before being scrapped

From Dave Stenhouse


Web Link:


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